

Resume, cover letter, website

0.10 €

for a word

25 €

for a page (250 words)


0.05 €

for a word

12.5 €

for a page (250 words)



0 €

free trial lesson
online / 15 min

10 €

1 lesson = 10 €
package of 10 lessons = 100 €
online / Normandy / 30 min

13 €

1 lesson = 13 €
package of 5 lessons = 65 €
online / Normandy / 30 min

15 €

1 lesson = 15 €
price for 1 lesson
online / Normandy / 30 min

20 €

1 lesson = 20 €
package of 10 lessons = 200 €
online / Normandy / 60 min

25 €

1 lesson = 25 €
package of 5 lessons = 125 €
online / Normandy / 60 min

30 €

1 lesson = 30 €
price for 1 lesson
online / Normandy / 60 min

Questions - answers

On average, I translate a page of 250 words within 45 minutes to 1 hour, a duration that includes proofreading for maximum quality.

For payment, reach out to me directly to discuss the best method for you.

To order a translation, contact me directly!

I respond very quickly!

After making a payment on the site, you can schedule a French lesson using the calendar here or contact me directly!
Yes! You can schedule a free French lesson using the calendar here or contact me directly!